Top Five Things You Did not Know About Mecca

Know About Mecca

Mecca is the holy city most associated with the religion of Islam. In the same way Bethlehem is sacred to Christians and Vatican City is central to Roman Catholics, Mecca has long been the pilgrimage destination for Muslims.

It is so integral to their religion that making a pilgrimage there is one of the pillars of Islam (alongside praying, fasting/paying the Fidya 2020 rates if fasting is not possible, paying zakat charity, and professing faith).

That being said – like all religious sites around the world – Mecca has a rich history that extends further than Islam. Here are five things you probably didn’t know about Mecca.

1. Mecca is home to the most expensive building in the world

The Masjid Al Haram is a mosque situated in the city of Mecca. It is the eighth largest building in the world and tops the list as the most expensive building on Earth. It is valued in excess of $100 billion. Covering over 99 acres of land and capable of holding up to four million people, it is the most expensive building in the world by $84 billion, meaning it’s unlikely it will be knocked off the top spot any time soon.

2. The first ever car in the Arabian Peninsula was in Mecca

There’s no denying that when cars were invented, they were (and typically still are) at the very forefront of technology. The Arabian Peninsula is very big, the biggest in the world in fact, and is home to one of the most modern cities in the world: Dubai. But Dubai was not always as it is now, and over 100 years ago, it was actually Mecca that was the hub of the Peninsula and where the first car within the Peninsular was driven.

3. Mecca is incredibly popular with horologists

Horologists are specialists in making watches and clocks, so it’s no wonder so many of them flock to Mecca to look at the Clock Royal Tower. Not only is it the third tallest building in the world, but it is also the biggest clock in the world. At 43m, the clock can be seen from as far as 17km away! Located within the clock tower is the Clock Tower Museum which covers four floors, each one depicting a different subject (how the clock tower was made, ancient time measurements, how the sun and moon have been used to tell the time, and a final floor dedicated to space itself).

4. The largest automated waste network in the world is located in Mecca

Know About Mecca

The city of Mecca itself only has a population of about 1.5 million, but during Ramadan and Hajj, it swells to almost three million people. This immense increase over such a short period of time means the city has to be prepared infrastructurally, especially when it comes to the 600 tons of waste generated every day during Hajj. As such, Mecca is home to the largest automated waste network in the world. Comprised of 318 collection points underneath the city through more than 30km of waste pipes.

5. The city of Mecca is one of the oldest cities in the world

It is thought that Mecca dates back to as early as 30BC, making it one of the oldest continuously habited cities on Earth. Exactly how old the city is remains disputed, but Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian, referenced the city within Arabia whilst on his travels.

Do you have any unusual facts about the city of Mecca? If not, reciting one of the facts mentioned above could prove to be a good conversation starter!


  1. This is such an interesting post! I knew about Mecca only as an Islamic holy city. But these facts are so amazing especially about the most expensive building in the world, the largest automated waste network, and the car.


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