Berlin Badeschiff

Berlin Badeschiff – the most original and unusual bath of Europe. Located in the middle of the river Spree, this pool for quite some time now became one of new sights of Berlin.

The pool open-air in the length 32 meters, depth 2,08 and width of 8 meters was constructed in 2004. As a skeleton to it the old barge processed in the ship pool served. Most likely, architects of the project were inspired by past experience, after all the idea of such floating pools is not new – the first ships for bathing on the European rivers appeared in the 18th century.


The ship pool has very opportunely – Shprey’s river is not famous for a long time for pure water. The floating pool filled with pure river water in Berlin enjoys wide popularity of inhabitants of the capital. The situation of rest is supplemented by a bar, a concert hall, a wooden flooring for solar baths and picturesque panoramic views of the city. By the way, the ship pool works and in the winter – at this time it cover with special translucent membranes and it turns into a sauna.