Cloud Computing Security

Cloud Computing is one of the fastest growing technologies in the world of Internet and has gained much popularity in few years. Cloud Computing Security is associated with the policies and techniques deployed to protect and secure data, applications and all other stuffs stored in the cloud.

cloud computing network, cloud computing security

Many companies and organization are switching to cloud computing services due to its awesome features. But cloud computing has its own security issues that an organization has to be aware of. So we’ll look at the major issues involved in cloud computing security.

1). Data Storage Location

Whenever you use cloud to store your data, did you ever concern about Where your data is being hosted? Here I am talking about the location. Ask your cloud service provider if they are able to store your data in specific jurisdiction. And also whether they will make a contract to obey local privacy requirements and ensure safety of your data.

2). Data Segregation

Information in the cloud is generally in a distributed atmosphere together with data from other clients. Encrypted shield is effective but it is not a perfect protection. Try to figure out what steps are taken to segregate data at rest. The cloud service provider should show enough evidence that encryption are safe and tested by specialist.

3). Data Recovery

There is always a chance of miss happening that you may lose all of your data stored on the cloud. So, you should be well prepared in advance before you face any such crisis. Ask your cloud computing service provider whether they can completely restore your data or not and how much time usually it will take in the process.

4). Data Availability

Support your cloud computing service provider drops the business or is overtaken by another company then you must be sure that your data will remain available if any such situation occurs. You should clear all the terms and conditions with the service provider well in advance.

5). Protect Data from Illegal Activities

Analyzing unlawful or incorrect action within a cloud is infamously difficult. Signing and information for several different clients may be either co-located or propagate across a number of data centers. You should go in contract with the service provider for some type of investigations if any of the illegal activity is noticed in your account. And if company refuses to provide any guaranty for investigation, then its better not to opt it.

So, you all well aware of the various security issues concerned with the Cloud computing. It’s better to follow these advice’s before opting to host your data on any cloud. If you still face some problem in cloud computing security, feel free to ask.