Havasu Falls

Havasu Falls – Whether it be majestic Niagara Falls in North America, Cascata delle Marmore man-made antique pearl in Italy, the highest in the world Angel Falls which have got lost in rain forests of Venezuela, or grandiose falls to Iguas – each of them represent a show fascinating and are worthy to be considered as one of the most beautiful on a planet. Havasu falls in the United States – one of those who also applies to be in the list “top best”.

Tremendous Falls of Havasu in North America

The falls of Havasu do not differ in special height or scope (its height of only 37 meters and absolutely insignificant width). But, meanwhile, these falls are one of the most visited sights of Grand Canyon. And, admiring its amazing beauty, you understand, for what travelers so love it, covers of calendars and the magazines, Havasu which have proclaimed falls a pearl of Grand Canyon.

havasu falls

The reason of extraordinary blue of Havasu that its waters are saturated the potassium and magnesium carbonate which is washed away from rocky breed. All the year round water here the same temperature – 21 degrees.

There was time when Havasu was “Veil of the bride”. It was about hundred years ago and since then a lot of water flowed away. Then it was much more widely and really reminded a veil. But there was a large flood which changed external shape, and with it and the falls name. So on light there was Havasu.

Today the handsome of Havasu is conventional and we love. Almost paradise district in droughty Arizona it is deserved uses attention of numerous tourists.